We live in a vibrant, equitable, diverse and inclusive culture, with opportunities and work conditions that transcend gender gaps, equal for everyone, and that allow us to have happy, committed and competent people in their roles on our teams, who are capable of turning our customers into fans.
GRI (3-3) Our company is the reflection of the Celsians that, with their proactive attitude, face the challenges that arise in operations on a day-to-day basis. Talent is essential to achieve growth goals and meet organizational objectives. That’s why we build loyalty by developing their potential and taking care of their well-being.
At the same time, we make sure the talent that enters the company is technically excellent and vibrates with the culture of good energy, because all of us at Celsia are characterized by by being quick and reliable, making life easier, always giving our best to grow together and daring to be different.
Our Management
GRI (3-3) Our objective when attracting and seeking the long-term permanence of our talent is to make sure they adapt to our culture. We implement different strategies with it, such as development, empowerment, quickness and flexibility, which allow us to generate memorable moments, make each employee fall in love with us and grow as an organization.
We embrace the opportunity to generate a positive impact on our stakeholders through equal participation in cultural, training and work activities. We direct our efforts to attract talent towards specific initiatives, such as Energy in development, which improves the living conditions of single mothers, facilitates their incorporation into historically male roles in the electricity sector, promotes gender equality and empowers them to take advantage of these opportunities.
All of the above is in line with compliance with our corporate policies of attraction, government, human rights and respect. This is in addition to our diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, which are fundamental pillars of our organizational culture.
GRI 3-3) (2-23) (2-24) (2-25) (2-29)
How we Manage our Impacts
- We promote and practice equal opportunities at work and encourage quality of life and work-life balance. This translates into measures, such as work flexibility and the possibility of working from home, which promote co-responsibility and the psychological safety of our employees.
- We adopt a comprehensive perspective of the life cycle of each employee as of the interview process, hiring and their continued development in the organization, until the moment of their eventual retirement. We seek to make each stage memorable and meaningful for employees and their families. We promote an environment of empowerment and personal and professional development, which are a fundamental part of our organizational philosophy.
- We reject any type of discrimination or violence and establish mechanisms for preventing and attending to all forms of harassment.
- We have an OHS policy for employees and contractors, because occupational health and safety are conditions for employment. That is why we train, monitor and provide support.
The four pillars of Celsia culture are in our DNA, and we live by them every day:
We dare to be different.
We are quick and reliable.
We give our best to grow together.
We enjoy making life easier.
Benefits for our Employees
GRI (401-2) We provide our employees a variety of benefits adapted to their needs to improve their quality of life:
Work-life Balance
- Flexibility in work hours and methods.
- Work stress management.
- Paid rest days.
- Special workdays and days off for rest.
- Marriage leave.
- Extended maternity, paternity and breastfeeding leave. (Paid for the primary and non-primary caregiver who exceeds the minimum legal requirements).
- Paid family or care leave beyond maternity/paternity leave (care for a child, spouse, partner, dependent, parent, sibling or other designated relationship with a physical or mental health condition).
- Talks associated with well-being topics.
- Reading and writing club.
- Recognition of employees for extraordinary actions.
- Periodic work environment measurements.
- Measurements to know the needs of our employees.
- Special activities for employees and their families to enjoy their free time.
- Healthy and safe work environments.
- Equitable conciliation measures for women and men.
- Actions that encourage respect for family and personal spaces.
Health & Well-being
- Life, personal accident and disability policy.
- Health policies for employees and their primary family groups.
- Medical and dental offices in some locations.
- Payment of 100% of their salary for disabilities, up to 180 days.
- Vaccination days against COVID-19.
- Health days.
- Psychological and medical support.
- Breastfeeding rooms at the Medellín and Yumbo locations.
- An App for promoting good physical and mental conditions.
Personal Finances
- Food, gasoline, technology and experience coupons.
- Nurseries or financial contributions for access to nurseries.
- Institutional savings plans.
- Assistance, sponsorships and educational and exchange scholarships for employees and their children.
- Short and long-term variable compensation.
- Housing, education, vehicle and calamity loans.
- Pension recognition bonuses.
- Commercial discount agreements for our employees.
- Educational aid for the children of employees affiliated with the union in Colombia.
Employee Commitment
GRI (404-3) We periodically measure and meter the work environment and commitment of employees, to ensure healthy and safe work environments, understand the factors that commit each employee to remain in our company, and ensure the effectiveness of our value proposition for employees and action plans, in order to make their experience memorable.
Performance Evaluation
We evaluate the performance of our employees to enhance and highlight their skills, be aware of opportunities for improvement and constantly grow.
Turnover and Mobility
Below, we present the results of the turnover and mobility of our employees during the year, broken down by nationality, geographic area, age group, gender, and job category:
Voluntary and Total Withdrawals
These are the figures for voluntary and total withdrawals in each one of the regions in which we operate, differentiated by age, gender, job category and nationality. In addition, we include the average and total costs allocated to the recruitment and selection processes of new employees.
New hires
We know human talent is the heart of our company. We introduce you to the new Celsians who are part of our company and help us continue delivering the best energy:
Vacancies Filled by Internal Candidates and Promotions
We seek to make sure promotion and development opportunities are active within the organization. These are the vacancies filled by internal candidates:
Main Results
GRI (3-3)
We encourage and reward leadership through the Orange Leader contest. The most outstanding employees are presented as examples of the Celsia culture due to their characteristics, which reflect our leadership style.
We launched the female leadership program to prepare some Celsia employees in succession matrices, for them to be ready to fill leadership positions and traditionally male roles.
We generate memorable moments for employees and their families with our culture of good energy.
We accompany Celsians in identifying and closing their development gaps in their roles and for their projections and career plans.
We launched and positioned the 360° assessment program, Develop your Energy, in which we evaluate employees from their role and skills.
We identify and monitor traditionally male and currently segregated roles and implement concrete actions to link single mothers to fill them.
We improve the experience of external candidates by reducing the days of the talent attraction process.
We monitor and reduce the occupational segregation index and wage segregation index.
As part of developing culture activities, we launched the internal recognition platform, with 1,077 recognitions associated with culture and five with individual processes and projects.
We encourage female participation in training programs and create partnerships with universities and colleges to accompany women in their professional orientation. 12 women from the Energy in Development program are part of the culture of good energy in traditionally male teams. We are linking with other companies in the sector to attract young talent (MiEslabon).
We were recognized in the ANDI’s 2023 List of Inspiring Companies for our Energy in Development Program.
We declared zero tolerance for workplace and sexual harassment at Celsia, based on our culture of respect, healthy coexistence and positioning our reporting channels and mechanisms. Moreover, we trained with USAID on gender violence and are designing a virtual course on workplace and sexual harassment and gender violence.
We held the first Contractor Fair of Grupo Empresarial Argos in October, a space for sustainability and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).
Lessons Learned
We will continue our work towards gender equality with initiatives, such as Energy in development, which has allowed us to link women to teams that had never had female participation. We are convinced these actions will generate tangible changes, breaking paradigms and biases that still persist in some leaders, and that this will lead us to faster cultural transformations in terms of attracting talent.
We realized it was possible to review, identify and modify the biases that limited the population of teams to only men or women, in addition to accompanying and raising awareness among leaders, since we know their support is essential to successfully implement these initiatives. On the other hand, we must generate more partnerships with the educational sector to train the professionals we need in our company.
Relevant Fact
Conversations that transform with Ricardo Sierra Fernández, CEO of Celsia

Relevant Facts
Conversations that transform with Ricardo Sierra Fernández, CEO of Celsia
Maintain employee engagement performance target
over 90% favorability.
By 2030
To have 35% women in our total workforce, in management and junior management positions.
Topic / Indicator | Own indicators | CSA S&P Indicator | SASB indicator | GRI indicator | TCFD | External assurance |
Benefits | – | 3.3.7 | – | 401-2, 401-3 | – | |
Employee Commitment | – | 3.3.9 | – | – | – | |
Performance Evaluation | – | 3.3.5 | – | 404-3 | – | |
Turnover and mobility | – | 3.3.8 | – | 401-1 | – | |
Voluntary and total withdrawals | – | 3.3.8 | – | 401-1 | – | |
New hires | – | 3.3.4 | – | 401-1 | – | |
Vacancies filled by internal candidates and promotions | – | 3.3.4 | – | 401-1 | – | |
Promotions | – | 3.3.4 | – | – | – |
The ANDI and its foundation, in partnership with USAID and Portafolio, recognized us as one of the 21 inspiring companies of 2023.
This list identifies and recognizes the most successful organizations in Colombia, which are generating great transformations in society through initiatives for business competitiveness, positive social impact and the inclusion of vulnerable populations within their value chain.
Equipares Recognition and Gold Seal
awarded by the Ministry of Labor and the UNDP.
Ratification of the Gender Equality Seal in the gold category in Panama.
Merco Colombia recognized Celsia in the ranking that measures the 100 companies with the best reputation in the country:
26th place overall and third in the energy, gas and water sector.
According to the Corporate Reputation Monitor Merco Talento,
Celsia is ranked 50th among 100 companies in Colombia recognized in this ranking.
The National Commission of Occupational Health and Safety
recognized us for our leadership and work defending the labor rights of workers in the sector.
Celsian Culture: The way of doing things in the company, understanding that it is the best way to establish the company as a pioneering, innovative, disruptive, empathetic and value-generating organization for all its stakeholders.
Proactive culture: To embrace change, challenge oneself and find innovative solutions, and see the logic of opportunities, taking advantage of them and acting to achieve objectives.
BHAG: The Big Hairy Audacious Goal that provides strategic guidelines to the organization.
Employee commitment: A perception of the type and quality of relationships and feelings that the company produces in our employees.
Employee experience: The design and implementation of moments of truth and knowledge of our employees to present proposals and benefits adjusted to their needs, leading to talent attraction, retention and development.
Equipares Seal: A certification program that recognizes companies and organizations that correctly implement the Gender Equality Management System. This certification is granted by the Ministry of Labor and the Presidential Counselor for Women’s Equality, with the technical support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
Cultural fit: A test to identify the characteristics of the Celsian Culture and evaluate it during the selection process.
Employee commitment: A perception of the type and quality of relationships and the feelings that the company produces in our employees.
Employee experience: The design and implementation of moments of truth and knowledge of our employees to present proposals and benefits adjusted to their needs, leading to talent attraction, retention and development.
Diversity and inclusion: A strategy focused on closing gender equity gaps and accepting differences.
Onboarding: An induction process for our employees, which happens when a person joins our company, for them to know our entire organization and culture in detail.
OHS: Occupational Health and Safety.
Linework: Work roles in electrical networks.