At Celsia, we go beyond energy: we contribute to the development of electrical infrastructure in Colombia and in the countries where we operate, generate quality employment with attractive conditions and superior benefits, seek profitability for our shareholders and investors under sustainability criteria, and work hand in hand with our stakeholders for harmonious, joint growth.
About Us
GRI (2-6) At Celsia, renewable energy and energy efficiency are our passion. We promote the generation and transmission of clean energy from water, sun and wind, with the security of a thermal backup. We provide our customers innovative and personalized solutions for homes, companies and urban projects to be able to integrate into the new era of energy, enjoying its benefits.
Click on the image to enlarge.
How we Create Value
We have found new ways of advising our customers with advanced and innovative solutions for their homes, businesses or urban projects to be connected and for them to be able to enjoy all the advantages of the new era for energy with our business model, focused on on three main segments: Asset Management, Businesses and Homes, for whom we generate value in a responsible, profitable and respectful way.
We currently serve more than 1,300,000 customers in 39 municipalities in Valle del Cauca, 47 in Tolima and one in Chocó (San José del Palmar)..
Business Model
We provide the best energy to our customers and interact with other stakeholders.
Asset management
- Generation: Consolidating a powerful diversified, resilient and competitive generation portfolio.
- Transmission and distribution: Growing profitably, incorporating technology to operate efficiently and providing the best service in the country.
Commercial Portfolio We deliver innovative technological and energy solutions in cities and companies.
Conventional energy.
Solar energy
Backup power.
Efficient lighting.
Electrical assets.
Electric mobility
Thermal districts (cold or hot).
Conventional energy.
Solar energy
Electric mobility
Energy efficiency
Internet with optical fiber.
Selling household appliances, electric mobility solutions and technology.
Fulfilling the BHAG
Associated with fulfilling our BHAG, the following were our most relevant milestones in 2023:
- We acquired the 218 MW Caravelí wind project, located in the Lomas District, province of Caravelí Arequipa, Peru.
- The divestment from Central America with the sale of some generation assets in Panama and Costa Rica.
- COP 6.2 trillion in consolidated income.
- We exceeded 300 MW of photovoltaic energy in operation in Colombia with 17 solar farms.
- Icontec recertified us as Carbon Neutral.
- Through Celsia Internet S. A. S., as an independent company, we reach 72,000 customers in 20 municipalities in Valle del Cauca and Tolima.
- As of December 2023, we will begin the process of repurchasing shares, to purchase a maximum of 9.9% of the shares in circulation.
- 15.7 million trees were planted through our ReverdeC watershed restoration program.
Celsia PermaneC
Our Vision of Sustainability
- With a comprehensive and synergistic vision of sustainability that involves the entire organization and takes us to the highest level of awareness.
- Aligning social and environmental investment with the organization’s strategy.
- Identifying and managing ESG risks.
- Understanding sustainability as a new way of competing.
- Assuming ethics and transparency as pillars that characterize the organization’s actions to create sustainable value.
- Welcoming human rights as a guiding principle of all our actions.
- Uraging inclusion and promoting diversity as drivers of value in all stakeholders.
- Creating partnerships to identify best practices and promote ESG issues.
- Through communication and empathetic dialogue with stakeholders to achieve relevance in our actions.
We promote innovative actions for environmental conservation and efficient use of natural resources.
Alignment of the Strategy with the Global Sustainability Agenda
At Celsia, we are committed to the call of the United Nations (UN) to achieve sustainable development by 2030. Therefore, aligned with the global sustainability agenda, we have prioritized seven Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) considering the positive and negative impacts that we generate according to the prioritization exercises we performed. The SDGs that we have prioritized are:
Materiality Analysis
GRI (3-2) This is a fundamental input for our roadmap, which which reflects the most important work focuses on environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters. They allow us to adapt to changes in the environment and the expectations of our stakeholders. Additionally, for this exercise we based and integrated the corporate risk management methodology, which is aligned with international best practices such as the COSO ERM standard that define similar components, based on an understanding of the business, objectives, environment and trends, in order to integrate material issues with the company’s strategic risks.
Our materiality analysis carried out in 2022 is still in force, and this is how we carried out the process of identifying and prioritizing the key issues for the permanence of our business over time.
Identifying and Prioritizing Material Topics and Key Issues
GRI (3-1) Through this process, which consists of four steps, we define our material topics:
Context analysis
Sessions with internal leaders
Involvement with stakeholder
Prioritization and validation
Why a new approach to materiality?
Our approach for this exercise was based on double materiality, we identified the impacts that Celsia generates on the environment and society and at the same time we identified the impact that these issues have financially on the company. The reasons were the following:
- The relevance of ESG factors to create value in the long term: opportunities and risks.
- The requirements of shareholders, investors and other stakeholders in ESG factors: accountability.
Materiality Matrix
Click on the image to enlarge.
- Medium
- High
- Very high

Vivimos una cultura vibrante, equitativa, diversa e incluyente.
Enfrentamos el cambio climático (Mitigación).
Innovación y tecnología.
Celebramos y cuidamos nuestra biodiversidad y sus servicios ecosistémicos.
Entorno social y político.
Diversificación y expansión de nuestros negocios.
Enfrentamos el cambio climático (Adaptación).
Elegimos cuidarnos: priorizamos la salud y seguridad de nuestros equipos y contratistas.
Desarrollamos nuestra cadena de valor.
Buscamos un crecimiento consciente.
Buscamos un crecimiento consciente.
Somos socios del desarrollo.
Enriquecemos la vida de nuestros clientes.
The methodological process designed and implemented by the company for the analysis and assesment of our materiality year 2022 is based on the principle of double materiality, is valid for two (2) years, and has been verified by an independent third party
The results of our materiality assessment have been reviewed and approved by our Steering Committee.
Our material topics
GRI (3-2) As a result of the identification and prioritization exercise, the key material topics for the permanence of our business over time are:
We seek conscious growth
We generate value for all our stakeholders by developing profitable and eco-efficient activities that respond to the needs of the market and our customers.
We adapt to our social and political environment.
This integrates the physical security of the operation and the proactive analysis of the political environment with respect to changes or updates in the regulatory or legal sphere of the country’s electricity sector.
We Act with a Vision of the Future
Diversification and expansion of our businesses. We are an actor in the country’s energy revolution. This is why we offer a diversified generation matrix, with innovative and efficient services to guarantee the necessary resources for our operation.
Innovation and technology. Through technology and digitization, we diversify our services, improve our performance, simplify procedures and processes, and quickly respond in terms of service and operations. Since we know technology carries greater risks related to information, cybersecurity is a vital component of our management.
We develop our value chain. Supplier management is one of Celsia’s pillars. We seek sustainable growth in the long-term that guarantees the sustainability of our supply chain, with the timely management of any risks that may arise, through the continuous improvement of administrative, ethical and behavioral, commercial, technical, environmental, productive and financial skills, which ensure the promotion and respect of human rights.
We are Partners of Development
We live in a vibrant, equitable, diverse and inclusive culture. We seek to promote and guarantee the diversity of and equal opportunities for our teams, developing capabilities in a changing context, respecting human rights at all times and providing the best experience to employees. We are also partners of development through good engagement with our communities, avoiding negative, real or potential impacts on Human Rights that may be caused in any of the stages of our value chain. In addition, being partners of development also means creating social value through investments, generating local employment and developing works for taxes.
We choose to take care of ourselves prioritizing the health and safety of our teams and contractors. Security is a vital and non-negotiable value. Our main objective is for our employees and contractors to return home healthy every day and for our products and services to maintain the highest quality standards to take care of the communities in which we are present.
We Enrich Customers’ Lives
We want to turn our customers into fans of Celsia Therefore, our vision is focused on delivering a quick, easy, effective and memorable experience during their relationship with our company, through an offer of innovative solutions and quality, uninterrupted services, all integrated into the national electrical system and with full availability.
A Greener Planet
We Face Climate Change. Based on mitigation, we promote the use and consumption of clean energy, contributing to the decarbonization of energy and the economy.. Based on adaptation, we prepare and respond to climatic variations that may affect services, due to events related to climate, the availability of water resources or natural disasters.
We celebrate and take care of our biodiversity and its ecosystemic services. We focus on preserving, securing information and caring for the fauna and flora in the biological corridors in which we are present. We know that no-net loss of biodiversity is the basis of any action, which is why we put ourselves before the risks of it from the early stages of the projects and throughout their life cycleWe have declared that we will make the effort to be a company with a net positive impact on biodiversity by 2030.
Materiality Analysis: A Joint Exercise with our Stakeholders
GRI (3-1) Knowing that the materiality analysis is a dynamic, participatory exercise that supports the strategy’s execution, we include our stakeholders in the exercise. As a result, we identify the topics that are important to them, either because they see them as an opportunity or as a risk for Celsia, or because they see them as a positive or negative impact that we generate.
The stakeholders we involved were prioritized based on the AA1000(SES) Accountability, standard, characterizing them according to the methodology by dependency, responsibility, tension, influence and perspective of each actor.
GRI (2-29) Below, we present the details of the exercise we performed.
The stakeholders that participated in the process were communities
he State
Business group
(Odinsa, Cementos Argos y Grupo Argos)
- Communities
- he State
- employees
- Shareholders
- Suppliers
- Contractors
- Customers
Business group
(Odinsa, Cementos Argos y Grupo Argos)
through mechanisms:
individual and group
with suppliers
The top 5 topics prioritized by our stakeholders according to influence, impact and risks are
- People’s health and safety
- Our people
- Response to climate change
- People’s experience
- Energy efficiency
- People’s health and safety
- Our people
- Protection of biodiversity and its ecosystem services
- Access to and availability of services
- Innovation and technology
- People’s health and safety
- Social and Political Environment
- Access to and availability of services
- Response to climate change
- Innovation and technology
- People’s health and safety
- Our people
- Response to climate change
- People’s experience
- Energy efficiency
- People’s health and safety
- Our people
- Protection of biodiversity and ecosystemic services
- Access to and availability of services
- Innovation and technology
- People’s health and safety
- Social and political environment
- Access to and availability of services
- Response to climate change
- Innovation and technology
The key issues highlighted by all stakeholders are:
Strategic leadership in sustainability
Below, we present Celsia’s approach to sustainability, highlighting the commitment of senior management in the management and evaluation of ESG objectives, effective communication and strategic decision making.
Sustainability Governance
Click on the image to enlarge.
Sustainability at Celsia is a relevant topic of study for the board of directors and its support committees. Each instance monitors and supervises the objectives and goals defined in environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters as well as their progress in order to analyze the impacts they could have on the company’s strategy. The Sustainability and Corporate Governance Committee is the designated body and is responsible for validating and incorporating ESG issues into the strategy, with specific policies and procedures.s.
This committee continuously identifies, evaluates and addresses impacts on the economy, environment and people and communicates progress to the Board of Directors. ESG teams present progress to the Committee, with full context of action plans and achievement of targets. The Committee Chair reports to the Board of Directors, i.e., both the Board and the supporting committee actively participate by allowing comments, suggestions and recommendations and ensuring compliance with the strategy.
The sustainability and corporate governance committee meets at least twice a year or whenever necessary. At these meetings, guidelines are established and strategic business decisions are made to leverage compliance with ESG goals.
ESG Matters on the 2030 Horizon
At Celsia, we look to the future with a firm responsibility for sustainability. Therefore, we are committed to comprehensively managing environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters. Looking towards the 2030 horizons we are charting a path to address our material topics with innovation and responsibility, as follows:
Click on the image to enlarge.
We Connect, Collaborate and Create Impact
GRI (2-29) We develop our relationship with our stakeholders within an ethical, respectful and balanced framework made up of our values, practices and corporate commitments, which help us build and maintain trust, contributing to sustainable development.
Who we impact:
- Customers.
- Shareholders, investors and the financial sector.
- Employees.
- Communities.
- Suppliers.
- Government and control entities.
- Scientific and academic community.
- Media.
- The business sector.
Our Management
GRI (3-3) At Celsia, we maintain continuous engagement with our stakeholders. We have a particular strategy for each stakeholder, in order to respond to requests, recommendations and suggestions with clear, transparent and fluid responses, in accordance with their expectations. Day-to-day interactions with those directly responsible are part of this management, and our sustainability team periodically promotes additional dialogue and consultation spaces, in addition to the different channels available to receive and process their concerns.
We have a manual to identify and treat engagement risks with our stakeholders, such as social, political, regulatory and reputational risk. It seeks to strengthen the relationship by identifying their particularities (characteristics, needs, interests, expectations and preferences). We periodically review them under the criteria of dependency, responsibility, tension, influence and perspective, based on the AA1000(SES) standard.
With the purpose of maintaining a relationship based on best practices, we performed an exercise in 2022 to characterize, prioritize and standardize our stakeholders, which is still in force.
Main Results
GRI (3-3) In 2023, with the commitment to maintain continuous engagement, these are some of the relevant milestones of our interactions with the company’s stakeholders:
Click for additional information.
- We had face-to-face meetings with suppliers in Cali, Ibagué, Medellín and Cartagena. Within the framework of these meetings, we held focus groups on the issue of materiality, held two talks on cybersecurity and published five editions of the virtual newsletter for suppliers with relevant and current information for them.
- We carried out an ethical climate survey for our suppliers, to get to know their vision regarding our processes and the importance of transparency.
- We updated the Code of Conduct for Suppliers, including aspects such as sustainable sourcing and the Human Rights approach.
- We made 17 engagement visits to the operation’s suppliers to review Human Rights, equity and equality matters with them.
- We attended 69% of service activities through digital channels. LuzIA, Celsia’s virtual assistant, contributed to the self-management of 120,355 damage reports, delivery of duplicates, balances and payments.
- We developed the exclusive B2B after-sales channel for 3,000 large customers with direct attention from comprehensive service advisors. In addition, we delivered our portfolio to more homes, obtaining 1.7% market penetration in Valle and Tolima.
- We certified 35 photovoltaic solar energy projects, which represent close to 800 thousand CERs/month.
- We implemented the Celsia Guarantee model to build loyalty in the purchasing and support experience for households.
- We built Patio Perdomo in Bogotá for simultaneously recharging 195 electric buses.
- We built public CS at the El Dorado airport in Bogotá, El Papayo, in Ibagué, and La Pintada, in Antioquia. Our residential CS sales grew by 386%.
- We carried out training and empowerment processes for leaders and employees in legal, labor and good engagement practices.
- ● We accompanied Celsians in identifying and closing their development gaps, both for their current roles and for their projections and career plans.
- ● We encouraged and rewarded leadership through the Orange Leader contest, for the most outstanding employees due to their characteristics and leadership styles to be nominated and referents of the Celsia culture.
- We launched the female leadership program to prepare some Celsia employees in succession matrices, in such a way for them to be ready to fill leadership positions and traditionally male roles.
- ● We carried out a satisfactory collective bargaining process with EnergyGO, reaching an agreement with this union in excellent terms and inclusive language as one of the differentiating factors of this relationship.
- In 2023, our social investment reached COP 50,012,046,883.
- We continue making progress with our project free optical fiber internet for schools. This year we delivered the service to 165 schools in 17 municipalities of Valle del Cauca and 64 schools in 3 municipalities in Tolima, benefiting a total population of over 107,355 people.
- We received 476 communications associated with projects under construction and assets in operation in Colombia and Central America. Of these, 38 were complaints (one in Central America and 37 in Colombia) related to construction situations, prior consultations and employment issues 92% of these communications were closed.
- We delivered 80 thousand liters of water to communities in La Guajira for supply and community use.
- With the Aquavida program, in partnership with the Fundación Grupo Argos, we delivered safe water to 5,098 families by delivering water filters that benefit the health of 25,186 people in 9 departments and 62 municipalities in the country.
- provided 5 workshops called ‘New sustainable ways of performing good journalism’ with the Economía para La Pipol journalist team: two in Tolima (Ibagué and Espinal) and three in Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura, Tuluá and Palmira). 192 people from different areas of these departments attended.
- n Journalist’s Day, we sent an Artificial Intelligence toolbox to activate new ideas, streamline creation processes and open the minds of media professionals in Colombia and Central America.
- We evaluated content that is relevant and/or that requires us to expand information to our customers or stakeholders. For the efficiency project, we held a session with 25 media outlets in Tolima and another in Valle with 18 media outlets, for a total of 43 media outlets covered. In addition, with the Director of Celsia in Tolima, we visited 15 media outlets in that department.
- We developed a strategy for the media to better understand how a sector as relevant as the electricity sector works, as well as its history and importance. We invited opinion leaders, directors and columnists from different regional and national journalistic houses to the pedagogical conferences we held in Yumbo, Bogotá, Ibagué and Medellín
In 2023 the General Shareholders’ Meeting authorized a repurchase of shares. This buyback strategy helped boost the appreciation of Celsia’s stock. Since the program’s announcement, the price increased 17.9% and closed the year at COP 2,960, which reached a valuation of 6.5% so far in 2023 in contrast with the fall in the MSCI Colcap of -7.07%.
Taking into account the dividend yield, the total return for shareholders for the year was 18%. In addition, we continued delivering the company’s results quarterly to our shareholders, investors and other stakeholders through videos, teleconferences, the ESG indicator report and the analytics dashboard, for them to be able to monitor and control, analyze and understand the variations of the results.
Government and control entities
- ● We apply the measures of the Pact for Tariff Justice (CREG Resolution 101 029 of 2022). Until September 2023, the company continued making progress in applying this system. Initially. the pact consisted of reducing the price between 4% and 8% of the service charged in consumer bills and stabilizing rates. For the families we serve in the markets of Valle del Cauca and Tolima, this represented relief.
- We analyzed and implemented a solution for recovering Tariff Option balances (CREG Res. 101 028-23) focused on the sustainability of sellers. Through discussions between sellers, unions and companies, we reached an agreement on a long-term balance recovery system.
- Through Decree 0929 of 2023, small-scale self-generators (AGPE, for the Spanish original) can now access exemption from the reactive energy transportation payment, which reduces obstacles to expanding solar power generation from distributed resources.
- 2023 was characterized by a broad discussion on aspects of the electricity sector in Colombia, in light of the increase in energy prices on the stock market, due to the El Niño phenomenon and the collateral effects of peak inflation.
Scientific and academic community
- Acercamiento a la academia a través de entodades como la Universidad del Valle, Universidad Santiago de Cali, Universidad Javeriana Cali, Universidad del Norte con el propósito de escuchar sus expectativas, líneas de investigación, futuros proyectos y resultados, permitiendo la interacción de las universidades con la empresa.
- Con la Universidad EAFIT, la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana -UPB y la Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia – EIA se llevaron a cabo varias de jornadas de trabajo en las cuales se priorizaron posibles líneas retos conjuntos, entre ellos: desarrollo del talento humano en transición energética, desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías de gestión como los DLRs, desarrollo de modelos de gestión social que permitan la realización de proyectos de infraestructura eléctrica. En la línea de descarbonización, se incluyen nuevos modelos de negocios enfocados en la economía circular.
- Along with Georgia Tech para el establecimiento del GTMC (Georgia Tech Medellín Center) participamos algunos emprendimientos en programas de softlanding, cursos para emprendedores de innovación y comercialización de tecnología, entrenamiento en temáticas identificadas como claves en analítica y ciberseguridad y entrenamiento con Create X (iniciativa desarrollada por GT para infundir confianza empresarial en estudiantes para ayudarlos a lanzar sus emprendimientos).
The business sector.
Mantuvimos activas nuestras reuniones mensuales de la Mesa de sostenibilidad conformada por los líderes de sostenibilidad de las diferentes empresas del grupo empresarial con el propósito conjunto de:
- Analizar el contexto actual de la sostenibilidad (a nivel local, nacional e internacional).
- Identificar los principales desafíos y oportunidades en materia de sostenibilidad.
- Desarrollar estrategias y acciones conjuntas para abordar los desafíos y aprovechar las oportunidades.
- Hacer seguimiento y evaluación del progreso de las estrategias y acciones implementadas.
- Intercambiar experiencias y buenas prácticas entre compañías.
Relevant Fact
Celsia presents second quarter results and prepares to face the El Niño phenomenon

Relevant Facts
Celsia presents second quarter results and prepares to face the El Niño phenomenon
Environmental goals
Climate Change
By 2025
Celsia will submit for approval a target based on the SBTi methodology.
From 2025
onwards, SF6 leakage from Celsia systems will not exceed 1% of the total installed in the year.
By 2030
Celsia will continue to be a carbon neutral company, offsetting all emissions that cannot be mitigated.
Eco-efficiency and Circularity
By 2025
25% of our installed capacity will come from non-conventional renewable sources.
By 2030
100% of the electrical energy consumed by the organization will come from certified renewable sources.
By 2030
Achieve 100% smart meters installed for non-regulated customers.
Waste and Circularity
By 2025
Celsia will achieve efficient management of 90% of its waste.
By 2030
Celsia will achieve 100% reusable, compostable or recyclable packaging for its own brands.
By 2025
A circular economy policy containing guidelines for the development of the company’s products, projects and services will be designed and implemented.
By 2025
A sustainable sourcing policy that includes environmental criteria for the evaluation of suppliers and the purchase of goods and services required in the organization’s processes will be designed and implemented.
By 2025
Celsia will be a company with no net loss of biodiversity.
Between 2025 and 2030
Celsia will perform efforts to be a company witha net positive impact.
By 2030
Celsia is committed to ensuring that the Reverdoles.eC Foundation plants 50 million trees
Social goals
We enrich the client
Target to 2023
External Customer Experience Index (IECe)- Valle del Cauca: 77
Target to 2023
External Customer Experience Index (eCEI) – Tolima: 73.3
We Enhance the Talent
Maintain employee engagement performance target
over 90% favorability.
By 2030
To have 35% women in our total workforce, in management and junior management positions.
Topic / Indicator | Own indicators | CSA S&P Indicator | SASB indicator | GRI indicator | TCFD | External assurance |
Methodological processes designed and implemented by Celsia S.A. To analyze double materiality for 2022, valid for two (2) years. | 2022 double materiality analysis | 1.3.1 | – | – | – |
Celsia obtained a score of 81 (out of 100) in S&P’s 2023 Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment
(CSA), placing us in 14th position among the 257 companies evaluated in the Utilities sector and as the first company in Colombia in this same sector.
We were included in the Sustainability Yearbook.
Thanks to our good practices in Sustainability we are in the TOP 10% of the CSA Score of the companies with the best results at a global level among 9,400 evaluated.
We were included in ANDI’s
2023 list of inspiring companies for our Energy in Development Program.
We obtained the Equipares Gold Seal in 2022
and the Gender Equality Seal was ratified in the gold category in Panama.
Merco Colombia recognized Celsia in the ranking of the 100 companies with the best reputation in the country.
We are ranked 26th overall and third in the energy, gas and water sector.
According to the Corporate Reputation Monitor, Merco Talento,
we are ranked 50th among 100 companies in Colombia recognized in this ranking.
BHAG: The Big Hairy Audacious Goal that provides strategic guidelines to the organization.
Stakeholders: A group of people who are part of the organization and others with whom various relationships are maintained. Receiving and managing their suggestions, comments and expectations is essential to complying with the organization’s strategy.
Materiality: Environmental, social and economic issues that will be decisive for the company in the coming years.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): An initiative of the United Nations (UN) to achieve a sustainable future for all. They are related and incorporate the global challenges we face every day, such as poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice.
ESG Criteria – Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance: Attributes that measure the environmental, social and corporate governance performance of organizations. These criteria
provide stakeholders with a comprehensive view of the company, in addition to the financial indicators.
LuzIA.: A virtual assistant programmed to serve our customers 24/7 and created to provide solutions for transactions or concerns and make their lives easier.
CS: charging stations.
ESG: Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance.
AGPE: small-scale self-generators.
CREG: Energy and Gas Regulatory Commission.