Innovation is a constant practice in our way of doing things. It is constantly aimed at discovering solutions that optimize resources and improve service delivery to our customers.
GRI (3-3) Innovation is a value we all have in the Celsian culture. It is a cross-cutting axis of the organization and is implicit in our cultural pillars We dare to be different, and We are quick and reliable.
This leads us to think about how to do things differently, allowing us to generate new products and business models, being flexible when finding a solution that suits our customers and constantly learning from mistakes. In this way, we better manage our assets to contribute to the diversification of the country’s energy matrix and present innovative solutions that positively impact all our stakeholders.
Our Management
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Horizon 4
Horizon 3
Horizon 2
Horizon 1
GRI (3–3) (2-23) (2-24) (2-25) (2-29) In accordance with our Strategic Business Planning by Horizons, innovation is aimed at our four Horizons, with a greater emphasis on medium and long-term horizons (H3 and H4). The Innovation team guides the incubation of business ideas or use of technology until the commercial pilot stage. In this way, there is a progressive integration of key areas to refine and scale the product (H2) and, finally, consolidate it as a business in commercial operation (H1).
The main impacts of our management are reflected in the development of new solutions and products that make life easier for our customers. At the same time, we seek to prioritize their efficiency and optimization during each stage of development, to turn them into sustainable solutions.
Through innovation, over the last few years, we have leveraged initiatives in interdisciplinary work teams, such as Hidrogeno, Red Digital 2.0, enerBit, and others.
Our Main Innovation Focuses
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The entire energy sales process was redefined to make it as efficient as possible, using hardware and software technology and translating this into an easier, quicker and closer experience for customers.
Scaling its development and offering sustainable mobility solutions.
Digital network
The culmination of the design, development and implementation to transform the target smart grid.
Increasing forest cover and the ecological restoration of watersheds.
An experimental focus for producing green hydrogen, capturing CO2 and supplying renewable energy for the urea production plant.
Electric mobility
Presenting a new Celsia brand charger for homes.
Energy efficiency
Executing lighting, compressed air, temperature optimization and energy management projects.
Advanced diagnostic center in hydroelectric generation
Developing platforms to manage IOT devices (iotbox), AI in distribution networks, automation and control.
Energy storage
Implementing a second life system. Evaluating, structuring and developing technical studies for small, medium and large-scale storage.
Experimenting with use cases on test assets integrated into a VPP (Virtual Power Plant).
Implementing technological tools that support automated operations to enable exponential business growth.
Investment in R&D
We increased investment to provide continuity and implement new projects. Some of the initiatives that made a difference compared to the previous year were:
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Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency
The continuity of compressed air projects as a service, refrigeration/air conditioning optimization, energy management and retrofit of lighting in the El Dorado Airport in Bogotá.
Improvement of the platform that allows integrating energy generation, transmission and distribution operations through a unified control center.
Positioning as the third-largest pure seller in the country by number of customers.
Main Results
GRI (3-3) The highlights of our management in 2023 were:
The development, implementation and testing of an 18 kWh second-life system that supports the auxiliary services of a substation, optimizing discarded electric vehicle batteries through collaboration with the Startups Batex and DeepSea, materializing a pioneering project in Celsia’s Palo Blanco substation. In parallel, the development of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) related to small-scale energy storage applications with grid-connected solar photovoltaic systems to offer energy backup services.
Trials and use cases on test assets integrated into a VPP (Virtual Power Plant).
Electric mobility
Launching the new Celsia brand home charger, designed with Colombian technology, which allows us to be more flexible in possible developments.
We closed the year with a turnover of COP 8.2 billion. This represents growth of 35% compared to the end of 2022, and we managed to serve more than 4,000 new customers in our services for individuals and 32 companies with our B2B solutions.
Red digital
Compliance with 100% progress, with 100% budget execution to date.
Implementing energy generation prediction models for photovoltaic projects and small hydroelectric plants based on advanced analytics.
Planting 3.3 million trees on 1,105 hectares, closing the year with a total of 15,767,304 trees planted since the project began.
Technology selection for the main processes of a green hydrogen production project.
Energy efficiency
A decrease in electrical consumption in lighting of around 65% at the El Dorado Airport in Bogotá.
Cyber Intelligence
Expanded coverage in the visualization of events and anomalies, for a result of 100% non-critical substations in Tolima.
Advanced diagnostic center in hydroelectric generation
Implementing remote operation of the Valle SHPPs (Amaime, Tuluá Alto and Tuluá Bajo) from NOVA.
Developing the Iotbox platform and Forestry MVP for species detection.
Today, it is the third-largest pure seller in the country by number of customers, with over 7,000 customers served.
Relevant Fact
Celsia develops and launches new model of electric vehicle charger for homes

Relevant Facts
Celsia develops and launches new model of electric vehicle charger for homes
CELSIA and BatX joined forces to present the project “Second life Batteries (EV) -S/E Palo Blanco”.
To the Fise Innovation Awards 2023, where we were awarded first place for the development of the second life storage system for the Palo Blanco substation.
Presentation of the article “Development of a platform for energy and power demand forecasting using advanced prediction models of Machine Learning, statistics, artificial intelligence, considering dynamic variables of the electric system operation”.
At the XIX Ibero-American Regional Meeting of CIGRE ERIAC In Foz do Iguazu – Brazil; after a selection of technical papers made.
Celsia and Siemens joined forces
To develop the first digital substation in Tolima – Colombia (Cajamarca 115/34.5/13.2kV substation).
During the development of the Open Innovation & Investor Summit
The Open Innovation Ranking 2023 was awarded, in which we received fourth place in the award for the companies that are most closely related to entrepreneurs.
Microgrids: A group of loads and energy resources distributed with a clearly defined electrical boundary, which has the capacity to be self-sufficient and operate in isolation or in parallel with the electrical system to supply demand locally.
AMI: advanced metering infrastructure.
Muverang: An electric mobility venture developed in conjunction with SURA and Bancolombia, which seeks to contribute to developing sustainable cities.
Minciencias: The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia.
Internet of Things (IoT): The digital interconnection of everyday objects with the Internet, turning them into smart objects that send and receive data to improve functionality both individually and in integration with connected objects.
Geolytics: A tool for optimizing sales in the retail business.
PCHs: Small hydroelectric plants.
ADMS: Advanced Distribution Management System.