We are a Grupo Argos company, passionate about renewable energy and energy efficiency. We believe a more sustainable world is possible.
We work to guarantee the generation of value over time, to be partners of development and respond to the expectations of all our stakeholders in environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters, always keeping in mind the national and international context in which we operate, our organizational culture and corporate strategy.
In this eleventh edition of our Integrated Report, we deliver the balance of results of our environmental, social and government management to all of you, in addition to our financial and business management, as a result of the teamwork of all Celsians.
GRI (2-2) In this digital report, you will find relevant information about Celsia S.A.’s operations in Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica and Honduras from January 1 to December 31, 2023. Due to the reorganization of our presence in Central America and the divestment of some assets, we only report the management of certain aspects in this region until November 15, 2023. This will allow you to know our main achievements and results for the year, as well as future objectives, always with the conviction of being quick and reliable to provide you with the best solutions.
This report was prepared according to the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Standards), guidelines of the Integrated Reporting Framework (IIRC) the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board indicator (SASB) for the Electric Utilities and Power Generators Industry, the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the information publication recommendations of the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) of S&P Global. This report also demonstrates the organization’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

GRI (2 -2) Also includes the management and performance indicators of the businesses in which we participate (generation, transmission and distribution and commercialization), which are carried out by Celsia Colombia (formerly Epsa), Cetsa, Tesorito and Enerbit, companies in which Celsia has operational control.
GRI (2 -3) This report is published annually, and the last edition was in March 2023, corresponding to 2022. For more information about our report, you can write to us at celsia@celsia.com.
GRI (2-4) There may be updated data or changes in the calculation methodology for some indicator, which we break down in each one of the respective sections. To maintain comparability with the figures published in previous reports, we express them in pesos and dollars at a representative market rate (TRM, for the Spanish original) of COP 4,330.14.
GRI (2-5) GRI (2-14) The 2023 Integrated Report has been approved by the CEO of Celsia and the Steering Committee. Moreover, BDO AUDIT SAS carried out independent verification to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the published information.